Essentials You Should Never Forget to Pack


This travel packing list is a great resource to keep in mind as you plan your next trip. This list will help you plan your international vacation, weekend getaway, or long-term trip around the globe. This will allow you to plan your trip and ensure you have everything you need. We'll also help you select the right travel bag and organize it to make sure everything fits perfectly in your bag. Here's a list with clear steps and gear to consider before going on your next trip. We have the ultimate packing list for you!


Your passport is the most important item to bring on your trip. Without it, you won't be able to travel far. After you have completed your pre-travel checklist and are ready to go, a final check of the book will be helpful. You can travel within Europe as an EU citizen by bringing your ID/Drivers license. However, this will depend on the airline. We recommend that you always have your passport with you. Make sure that your passport is current before you travel. It is a good idea to have six months of validity on your passport. Also, you should check the expiry date regularly to get a new one in time for your trip.


Make sure you have enough underwear to last you the trip. If you run out, your underwear can be washed during your trip. Make sure to bring a small bag for dirty laundry. It will help you separate clean and dirty clothes, so they don't get mixed up.

Phone Charger

We all know what it feels like to lose our phone's battery while on the move. You should always have a portable charger with you so your phone can charge while on the move. It's not a good idea to lose your phone in the middle of a city or miss out on great photo opportunities.


The hardest part is the clothes. It doesn't matter where you are going; make sure to pack a mix of warm and light layers. You can always check the weather forecast before leaving and plan your packing accordingly. It's an art form to pack light. With limited space in your backpack, you should be careful with what you bring. You should consider what activities you will be engaging in during your trip, so you have the right gear. Whether you are snorkeling, partying, or skiing, you'll need the appropriate clothing. Check if the hostel has a laundry area so that you can wash and change clothes if you are on a long trip.

Waterproof Machinery

Your travel companion will be a waterproof mac with a jacket and hood. If you are traveling to Europe, be prepared for unpredictable weather. You can find lightweight macs that are easy to pack on Amazon and Primark.

Walking Shoes

Good quality walking shoes are essential for anyone who plans to do a lot of walking and hiking. To save space, it's best to bring your bulky shoes with you when you travel—search websites to find affordable walking shoes that will last a long time.

Water Bottle

To stay hydrated while on the road, always carry a water bottle. Many backpacks come with a water bottle compartment to make it easy to find when you are out and about. Reusable water bottles are better for the environment and save you money by not having to buy as many.

Shampoo and Conditioner

Shampoo and conditioner bottles can become heavy and bulky, so it is important to keep them in your backpack. You can use smaller bottles to hold your hair liquids to save space. These small bottles can be purchased online. You can also purchase sustainable shampoo and conditioner bars to help support zero waste.


Make sure to keep your toothbrush handy. You might find it difficult to store an electric toothbrush. Instead, you can use a regular toothbrush. They don't need a charger, so they save even more space. If you want to reduce plastic use in your life, consider investing in eco-friendly toothbrushes. They won't harm the environment.

Sun Cream

Sun cream with SPF is an essential item in your travel bag. It is important to apply it liberally and carry sun cream everywhere you go. Particularly if you are prone to burning, it may not appear sunny, but the sun's rays are still visible, so make sure to apply sun cream every day you travel.

Eye Mask

We recommend you bring an eye mask if you are a light sleeper. You never know when you might be asked to turn on the lights in your hostel room. An eye mask will not be noticed. They're also great to keep in your luggage for long train or bus journeys when you need to catch some shut-eye.

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